Saturday, 18 February 2017

Top Lies Women Tell

Even though no one wants to admit it, we all know that some women are prolific liars. These type are so skillful in the act that they almost never get caught at it which invariably makes them good cheaters (that’s a story for another
From lying about their age to their
relationship status, they completely leave men
behind when it comes to lying and getting away
with it. It is my hope that this list and article in
its entirety will help you understand some of the
common lies told by women, why they tell those
lies and how stupid they are.
This perhaps is the commonest lie told by women
and the reason why they do is not that far-
fetched. I have dated girls from different age
groups ranging from the 18-22 year old group and
24-29 year old group. I got to discover that those
that fell within the 24-29 year old group lied more
about their age. They always took off 2 to three
years out of their original age.
Obviously, women lie about their age because they
feel men are mostly attracted to younger women
and would perceive older women as controlling.
Despite the facade the media tries to create by
trying to alter the perception of age. It’s a natural
biological instinct for women to know when men
are most attracted to them and once they are
above the age when men swoon over them, they
naturally try to remain attractive and lie about
their real age which unfortunately, doesn’t work.
Being Single
This is another common lie women tell. A very
obvious one is claiming to have a boyfriend when
a guy they don’t like is making a move on them.
However, the opposite of this is more common as
women will pointedly tell a guy they like that they
are single when it is actually the opposite. If they
fail to tell you they are single when they like you,
they might just feign ignorance and avoid talking
about the man in their life which happens to be
as good as lying about it.
I have been with two girls who were actually in
serious relationships before we got hooked and
both never mentioned their boyfriends while we
were together. Perhaps it was because I never
asked because I avoid complications that way. I
never got to know they were in relationships until
an awkward message or call comes into their
Of cause, some ladies try to juggle two
relationships at a time, just as other would dump
the old guy for the new one. Other ones basically
want to cheat on their boyfriends of many years
for the thrill and excitement the new guy they
barely know brings. The scary thing about this is
that the men they end up cheating with are
mostly douche bags and they are barely honest
about it with their boyfriends. A recent study says
that 50% of women admitted that they would give
their boyfriend another man’s child while 42% of
women said they would lie about taking birth
control so they could get pregnant.

We are just friends, he’s not interested
“We are just friends, he’s not interested in me.” is
another common lie women tell. One would be
dumb to believe that the women actually believe
this given the “I miss you,” “You look so sexy in
that picture,” etc that the supposed friends
constantly bombard them with. The messages
were clear indications that these girls know that
these guys wanted more as some of them even
reply with the same. The reason why women do
this can be adduced to their crave for validation,
interest in a future relationship or pure boredom.
Women keep some guys around as a backup plan
who they continue to chat, flirt and keep around
in case their ongoing relationship fails to work or
someone whose shoulders can be available to cry
on when they have problems in their
More so, women will keep some other guys whom
they previously had an interest around so that
they may ignite a spark. And as a guy, always
bear in mind that women will leave you behind the
moment they find someone that’s more valuable
than you are. This sounds somewhat scary given
that a wide array of opportunists can easily get to
sleep with her but the bright side is that you
could also find yourself on the other side.
I don’t flirt with other guys
Women often tell this lie given how ambiguous
the definition of flirting is. I see flirting as talking
and acting in a way that could lead a normal man
to believe that you are sexually interested in him.
Women are very good at reading body language
and can easily deduce if they are flirting or
someone is flirting with them. They also do know
when a guy wants much more from them. Most
women flirt just to kill boredom and have backup
plans in case their present relationship fails to
I’ve never done this before
If you haven’t heard this a couple of times, then
you are probably lacking in experience. It is
common to hear a lady say “I’ve never done this”
when you bring her home from an outing. They
believe saying this will help you believe they are
good girls and will never follow a guy they barely
know home but you’d be a fool to believe this as
you are one in a long list who has passed the
same routine. Ladies try to appear innocent so as
not to lose an opportunity of being in a
relationship with you. Every one knows “ a hoe
can’t be made a housewife” and for this reason,
they try to create a positive perception, hoping
you get to fall for it and a lot of men actually do
fall for it.
Another study recently alluded that the higher the
number of sexual partners a a man or woman has
had between age 18 and the time of first marriage
or cohabitation, the more likely he or she is to be
Last time she had sex
I enjoy asking this question because of the fun of
knowing how much girls lie about it. For reasons
unknown, most girls tend to say the last time
they had sex was 6 to 8 months back.
Unfortunately, even though it seems to sound
right to them, it is a lie 4 out of 5 times. The fact
that women know guys don’t want to date or
marry a slut makes them pretend to be innocent
in the hope that it will give them a positive
Number of Sexual Partners
A lot of girls lie about their body count or how
many guys they have been with. This can be
adduced to the fact that they want to be seen as
innocent. They know if they tell the truth, most
guys would just want to smash and leave.
These lies tell us that we have been lied to all
through life. However, one good thing about her
telling you all these lies is that she has a serious
interest in you. This however doesn’t make it
right for you to be duped into a relationship.
Women tend to use the fact that we crave good
girls and have become good in the act of
deception. Nonetheless, if they want a good guy,
they have to work for it not by getting it through
the shortcut.

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