Thursday, 26 January 2017

7 Positive Things About Being Single You Should Know About

Feeling sad and heart broken because you’re single? No need. To learn how to live your single life to the fullest, here are seven benefits to show you that being single isn’t depressing clichés and a life of loneliness! You can be just as happy on your own as you are when in a relationship.

1. YOU HAVE MORE TIME FOR YOURSELF: Feet like you wasted time with your ex? Now that you’ve both gone your separate ways you can now take some time for yourself. Being on your own is your chance to take care of yourself. Draw a list of things you like to do that you haven’t done in a while and put them in your calendar.

2. MORE TIME TO HUNT: You didn’t take a vow of abstinence like a priest, so take advantage of the situation. Get into seduction mode, flirting and play the field again. Dare to make the first move.

3. THE WORRYING STOPS: ‘Does my partner still love me?’ ‘What is he thinking?’ or ‘Is she cheating on me?’—all these questions that chip away at you will suddenly disappear when you’re single. A break from worrying will do you a world of good and peace of mind!

4. NO MORE JEALOUSY: If your ex was the jealous type  you will appreciate your new romantic status even more. No more being afraid of their jealous rants, you’re freed from their psychological grip that surely undermined your esteem and morale. Now you can find your smile again.

5. MORE GUILTLESS FANTASIES: Fantasies are part of a healthy s3x life, But when it happens when you are with someone you feel guilty about letting these fantasies fill up your mind. When you are single, you can simply enjoy them without it getting a complex!

6. MORE CHANCES OF FINDING TRUE LOVE: Think you’d never find love again? Stop worrying. Being single can prepare you for a better relationship in the future. Who’s to say your next partner won’t be the one for the rest of your life? Just enjoy being single before you jump and commit to someone for life.

7. MORE FEELING OF FREEDOM: Being alone can be somewhat scary. Solitude is often seen as tough but you’re actually more free compared to when in a relationship. Why not take a trip, You have no one else to worry about and even more money just for you.

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