Monday, 17 July 2017


And it's going to save you time. Sumo VIEW IN BROWSER

UPDATE: We've redesigned our launcher

And it's going to save you time.

Hey Sumos! Devan here with a quick product update.

By now, you may have noticed that your Sumo launcher went from this:

To this:

New Sumo Launcher

With the old launcher, jumping between tools required one too many clicks.

But not anymore.

Now, you can fully harness the power of Sumo in just one click since all of the tools are on the left hand side. 

So anytime you’re done using a Sumo tool, you can hop right into your next one by heading to the left hand side of your page. 

Left-Side Navigation in Sumo Launcher

This simple change makes for a navigation that’s cleaner and easier to use.

As cool as this sounds, we couldn’t just stop there. 

So we also restructured the menu and stacked the most used tools on top. We also grouped similar ones together. 

Grouped By Category and Sorted by Popularity

Now, you can fly through your Sumo launcher in less clicks and time.

The last change is pretty minor and many of you may not even notice it. 

For those that use the toggle on/off buttons on the old launcher’s main menu, we moved these too. You can find them–for all eligible tools–under the Settings gear icon on top.

On/Off Toggles in Settings

Ready to see for yourself? Make your way over to your Sumo launcher now.

I’ll see you next week,

Devan Ciccarelli

P.S. Want the experts to manage your account? For a limited time, we’re offering fully managed services. Less than 20 spots are available. Learn more here.

Check out the new launcher!

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