Thursday, 8 February 2018

27.3% improvement in cart abandonment [case study]


27.3% improvement in cart abandonment [case study]

Today, we're going to show you how to convert abandoned cart users into customers.

And it'll take you 10 minutes.

Think it's too good to be true? Just wait and see.

Before we get started, you're going to need Sumo.

Click here to install Sumo on your website for free in 37 seconds.

With Sumo installed, we're going to show you how the successful eCommerce company Fanchest used Sumo to convert abandoned cart people into buyers.

Fanchest hated losing cart abandonment sales so much that they designed a "hail mary" popup.

A "hail mary" popup is a last ditch effort to convert shoppers who are leaving into buyers.

Here's how it works:

1. People add items to their shopping cart on Fanchest's website.

2. When someone tries to leave Fanchest's cart page, a hail mary popup shows up offering the customer a sweet deal:

3. After someone enters their email for the "$6 Off" offer, they see a "Success" pop-up with the $6 off offer code.

4. The customer is happy because they got a discount. Fanchest is happy because they made a sale… and got another email address for follow-ups and future emails. Win-win.

Since setting up this "hail mary" popup, 201 people have claimed the discount and converted into sales.

For a $300 sale, that's $60,300 in additional sales!

Here's the exact step-by-step process to create the same popup in Sumo. This will take you 10 minutes.

1. Set your Goal to "Collect Emails"

2. Set your Form Type to "Popup"

3. Set your Design to Sumo's "Atomic" template (Fanchest used this template so they didn't need to pay a designer to do design work)

4. Under "Display Rules," set up a rule to only show the popup to people on your "cart" page

5. Connect your email service provider so you can email your leads with content, giveaways, and more offers. Or, click here to use the FREE Sumo Message Center to send emails to your subscribers without buying email software

With this last ditch effort "hail mary" popup, Fanchest has generated an additional 201 sales.

The best part...

It's a "set-it-and-forget-it" popup that will keep working automatically in the background when customers abandon their carts.

To get access to the same exit intent technology and template Fanchest used to build this popup, click here to get your free Sumo account.

Chris "Abandoning All Doubt" Von Wilpert

Sumo Copy Chief

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