This message is for ladies in the house........
Some girls at 30 will wonder why they are still single and why men leave them to marry someone else.....Well these are the reasons why you are always left behind after being the most beautiful and most dressed female in your lane.....
*Dressing;your dressing matters alot in every areas of your life,wearing skimpy doesnt make you sexier than you look.....they are actually some covered clothes that makes you look responsible and sexy...So beware of the type of clothes you choose to wear.
*social media;YES,everyone wants to feel updated by posting every event of their life,i see some girls posting pictures whereby they are smoking,taking codeine,and other hards drugs.....I see them posting videos of them twerking in the club.....YEA!!! it actually cool recording such fun but why posting them on social media?Have fun but you dont need to display to the whole world...